Thursday, October 31, 2013


There is always that kid who is beat up in high school because he doesn't do what is considered cool or popular. That one poor guy who gets picked on for playing the tuba, or enjoying card games, or the hopeful magician (personally I think all of those are great). I think a hobby and talent that gets not nearly enough respect for what they does is tap-dancers. We learned a pretty simple tap step a while ago for choreography, but I absolutely loved it. So I started going online to find some tap dancing and I found some crazy awesome stuff.

First of all, I love how easy it is to find things on Youtube. All I had to do when I was interested was type in "best tapdancing" and out came a video called "the best tap dance in the world" and I don't think this is an exaggeration at all. The dancer, Anthony Morigerato, is absolutely amazing with his feet. You lose track of his feet into a blur of motion. It is so cool to me how little his foot seems to be going, but the rhythm and visual aspects of it are stunning. That sheer intensity and speed of some of his tap dancing made my jaw drop. I wish on every star in the sky that I could tap dance like that, I try to tap sometimes as I walk down the hallway.

Another thing that I love is how they give you related videos on the side. You can get lost for hours and hours in those side videos, one of my favorite paths to get lost down is the America's Got Talent Auditions. However, watching these tap videos led me to a video called "Dubstep Tapdance" featuring a group called Prodijig from "Got To Dance" a UK dance competition show. They do an absolutely vicious tap dancing, that is so uniform and intricate it is almost a little scary. I can't even begin to imagine the hours and hours of intense practice and sweat they must have put in to prepare so a stunning piece. It is hard to watch this without having a feeling of awe in their talent. I also love how they, and Anthony as well, had incorporated pop elements into their tap dancing. That mix and fusion is what makes the world of talent and music interesting to me.

So my message out there to anyone who has been picked on for not having a "cool" hobby is to stick with it, work hard, and make an absolutely awesome video of your talent so that I can talk about it. Thanks for reading

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