Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Fear of a Youtuber

For every great thing there is always someone trying to sabotage it. For every comedian there are hecklers, for every politician there are political enemies, for every scientist there are rivals. The main person a Youtuber has to fear is the notorious hacker. Hackers are people who use coding and programming knowledge to gain access to someone's account and either manipulate or seize it. They are unfortunately slightly common on the Internet and can cause major damage.

Hackers are such a threat to security and privacy that many governments have anti-hacking divisions. The Computer Crime Research Center reported that in 2002 the US had 162 hacker attacks on systems that included the House of Representatives, the National Park Service, and the New York Education System. Sometimes credit card companies are hacked into and valuable personal information is stolen. As the world becomes increasingly based on the computer, the hacker becomes more and more dangerous.

On a more trivial level, many famous Youtubers have had their accounts hacked into. The pinnacle of Youtube himself, yes Pewdiepie, was even hacked. His original account was Pewdie before it got hacked and he had to create a new one. Being hacked on Youtube is a nightmare for Youtubers. You lose all of your videos that you worked so hard to create. You lose all of the subscribers that you worked hard to build your fan base. It is like starting again from square one, and it is awful.

The good news is that Youtube has grown and now has larger resources to protect it's channels. The other good news is that people nowadays have a much greater awareness of the dangers of hacking and know how to maintain proper computer security. The bad news is that the amount of people to protect and the amount of hackers is growing as people obtain more knowledge on computers. Another issue is the multiplying methods of hacking.

The future of hacking is a scary one. Cracked did an article about how even nuclear power plants have been hacked before, and several other disturbing incidences that infringe heavily on national and personal privacy and security.

We must stay aware of our computer security as members of the digital age. Stay wise out there on the internet. Hopefully my blog doesn't get hacked.


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