Sunday, May 18, 2014

The End

Well this is it. This is the last blog post for this blog. The end. The grand finale. The closing of the curtain. The final bow. The fat lady is right about to sing her last note. It's been fun and laborious, rewarding and menial, all sorts of lessons have been learned. I hope anyone who has read my blog enjoys it and will mourn it's passing.

Passing on is taught to us from an early age as an inevitability. We all know that no one is immortal and that death is there to balance life in a constant flow. Everything fades eventually. Eventually, according to some science, everything in the universe will spread out and eventually lose heat to entropy and fade away. Instead of focusing on such a large cosmic scale, I wanna talk about my blog topic one more time, Youtube.

Will Youtube ever die? It's a tricky question. It has remained popular throughout most of the digital age and has seemed to find a foothold on the mobile app platform, an important milestone. The reason why Youtube creating a successful app is important is because eventually the "web" will be replaced by a mobile app based system that is quicker and more efficient. Youtube seems like it will be able to survive this transition. So when will Youtube dissapear? It seems to fill a purpose that will be needed through the next several generations, and dominates the market well enough that any group would have trouble surpassing it. It is hard to tell when Youtube will die, because it is mainly dependent on other websites and technologies being developed. Twitter led to the recent downfall of Facebook, and perhaps someday an app will lead to the downfall of Youtube.

Another important aspect of the question is what is meant by the word "die". Most people would consider Myspace a dead website, but you can still go to it, register for an account, and start using it. Even if no one uses a website and can still be accessed and used, such as my blog, and therefore isn't "dead". I think a better question is "When will Youtube become unpopular. A lot of it depends on the Youtubers to keep producing entertaing material and for Youtube to keep updating and redesigning.

Some institutions can stay a long time. Certain colleges have been around for centuries, some Confucian schools for millenia. I believe that Youtube has a strong and valuable enough principle that it could survive centuries if it stays on the forefront of the tech curve. However,  a Youtube four hundred years from now might be completely unrecognizable to us today.

Unfortunately all things, Youtube and otherwise, must come to an end. Even when Youtube is gone, it is my hope that there will still be online platforms for creative people to share their art. For a final time, thanks for reading.

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