One of the most powerful forces in the world is genuine enthusiasm. It's the reason why our counselors and anyone who gives career advice will first ask you "What are your passions?" When you are enthusiastic about something you will work hard for it. There are all kinds of stories of dedicated fans going to insane lengths to create detailed replicas, homages, and collections. So when Youtubers are enthusiastic about their job they tend to succeed from all the work that they put in.
This relates back in part to my protest against companies like VEVO and highlight pages created by Youtbe being counted as "Youtubers". They don't have any enthusiasm about what they do because they don't create anything. They see it merely as a business opportunity. This trend has not only been showing up in company-run Youtube channels but also in Youtuber's channels. It is standard procedure now for every Youtuber to advocate for themselves and ask for likes, subscriptions, and other social media mention in order to compete with the other channels. In other words, notice and support from the Youtube community means making money, and making money is turning Youtube channels into businesses.
Call me nostalgic or old-fashioned, but I want a return to old Youtube. The Youtube that made the name "Youtube" famous. In which random people decided they wanted to share something with everyone, like a song or comedy skit, and people enjoyed it. There was no such thing as asking for subscriptions or likes, people just did it if they enjoyed the video.
I'm not trying to condemn the idea of likes and subscribers. They can make people who post feel absolutely amazing about themselves and give vindication for all of their work. It is like when a musician gets a compliment on their playing for the first time, or the first piece of art that an artist sells.
While on the subject of the power of enthusiasm I would like to look at the inspirational story that got me thinking about the merits and drawbacks of the "like" system. C Jackson, or as he is known on Youtube as "Sir Fedora" or "One Like Kid" was an unknown amateur vlogger. He made a video all about how one of his previous videos got a like. He was so excited and enthusiastic about the recognition. Someone posted his video of being excited about one like to Reddit. The amazing thing was that when people saw it they started liking everything he had posted. They were so enamored with his sheer enthusiasm and gratefulness for that one like that they wanted to support him too. His video about the excitement for one like now has 181,930 likes. Once I refreshed the page after a minute it had gone up another 39 likes.
Enthusiasm is powerful. Being excited about what you do will make others excited about what you do. Find your passion and work for it.
I just refreshed it again, now its at 182,003. Congratulations Sir Fedora. You stand as a testament to what passion can accomplish
His Viral Video -
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