Nostalgia is the feeling of fondness or missing something in your past. I just find that the pace of everything from technology to society to pop culture is advancing and developing so rapidly that the period of nostalgia becomes closer and closer to the modern day. For example people who had cars might have been nostalgic of the horses decades or even centuries ago or the people who got the tv might have been nostalgic of the radio that was decades ago. Now, we are nostalgic of things that have happened one year ago or earlier.
All the things that seem like "past history" are shockingly recent. Everyone is sick and tired of the Harlem Shake yet that was less than a year ago. The cellphone is an extremely recent invention. One thing that shocked me in AP Biology today was that the founders of molecular biology, Watson and Crick, are still alive and kicking today. The amount of advancement in the field that they created during their lifetime must be astounding to watch. The internet itself is practically a baby next to most human technologies.
When you take in the scope of the entire history of the Homo sapiens species, the recent advancements we have made are at a astounding pace in comparison. The growth and advancement is almost exponential. I'm so excited to be a human living in the time period that we are living in. The amount of new and world changing developments that will occur during my lifetime would give me enough to write this blog until the day I die. I am also really excited to contribute to this expansion as I become an adult, and hope that my contributions are pivotal in the developing world.
At the same time I miss the olden days. I know, I am seventeen and I have no right to talk about the "olden days". However, we have experienced a lot in our lifetimes. In a few short years we will be adults, and scary thought, we will be voting to elect the leader of our country. So yeah, I can miss my own "olden days". I miss when everything was so much simpler. I miss when I didn't have to worry about everything so much, I just knew I was gonna grow up and be a doctor or a firefighter. Cookie and nap time were standard throughout the day, and homework only took fifteen minutes. I miss not having the time at night to sit down and leisure read.
So as much as I am excited to be heading out into the bright horizon to start my life, I still yearn for the simplistic ways of the past. This has seemed to be a theme not only present in each individual person but as a major political and societal feature. I don't know if the future or the past is better, but right now is pretty good as well. Thanks for reading
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